First of many?

Han Ming
1 min readDec 13, 2020

I wanted to write for the longest time.

I wanted to inspire others with my writing. You know — like those thought leaders that generate thousand of likes with their opinion pieces. Yeah, I wanted to be them. More importantly, I wanted an outlet to express myself.

But writing felt daunting. I didn’t feel ready. I could never write as well as all the other authors out there.

Also, should I use WordPress or Medium? What domain name should I use? What should I write? What if my colleagues read my writing? I can’t possibly write until I make these decisions.

Weeks turn into months, and not a single post was written. I was a wannabe: not actually doing anything, just thinking about doing it.

Those decisions didn’t really matter. I should have just started writing.

“When do I know if I’m Spider-Man?”

We’re never truly ready. We just have to start.

I rewatched the clip (awesome movie, by the way), and it struck me: we have to do things before we feel ready. Like Miles Morales, he had to make his first leap to “become” Spider-Man; to be a writer, I have to start writing.

I got caught up with the thinking, planning, and I was paralyzed. “Paralysis by analysis,” as my dad always said. In the end, there is simply no substitute for actually starting and doing the work, and I couldn't formulate any excuses anymore.

Honestly, writing could be just a hobby, but hey, I leaped!



Han Ming

Musings of an introvert experiencing quarter-life crisis.